Sobrevivimos a la sobredosis de Scott Snyder gracias a que los artistas
de sus tebeos hacen un trabajo notable aunque ninguno de sus dos títulos termine de convencernos. El inicio del programa es para otras dos
historias de Black Label protagonizadas por un Batman primerizo y una
Catwoman muy veterana, respectivamente.
- Batman: The Imposter #1. Mattson Tomlin (W), Andrea Sorrentino (A), Jordie Bellaire (C). (DC).
- Catwoman: Lonely City #1. Cliff Chiang. (DC).
- Clear #1. Scott Snyder (W), Francis Manapul (A/C). (Comixology).
- Night of the Ghoul #1. Scott Snyder (W), Francesco Francavilla (A/C). (Comixology).
Los Irresistibles [00:37:27]: Blackhand & Ironhead #3, Death of Doctor Strange #2 (de 5), Home Sick Pilots #10, Mamo #4, Mazebook #2, No One Left to Fight II #1, Six Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton #5 (de 6), Strange Adventures #12 (final), Superman: Son of Kal-El #4, Tales From Harrow County: Fair Folk #4 (final), The Immortal Hulk #50 (final), Thor #18, X-Force #24, X-Men #4.
- Batman: The Imposter #1. Mattson Tomlin (W), Andrea Sorrentino (A), Jordie Bellaire (C). (DC).
- Catwoman: Lonely City #1. Cliff Chiang. (DC).
- Clear #1. Scott Snyder (W), Francis Manapul (A/C). (Comixology).
- Night of the Ghoul #1. Scott Snyder (W), Francesco Francavilla (A/C). (Comixology).
Los Irresistibles [00:37:27]: Blackhand & Ironhead #3, Death of Doctor Strange #2 (de 5), Home Sick Pilots #10, Mamo #4, Mazebook #2, No One Left to Fight II #1, Six Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton #5 (de 6), Strange Adventures #12 (final), Superman: Son of Kal-El #4, Tales From Harrow County: Fair Folk #4 (final), The Immortal Hulk #50 (final), Thor #18, X-Force #24, X-Men #4.